Why are we Unique?

The answer is simple - but on many levels

We aren't like other companies that offer Die cast ribboned medals as your reward for your efforts - which may end up lining one of your drawers in your kitchen. It isn't a stand alone piece that means it is a one-off effort.  Its a monthly commitments to you to improve you health and mental well-being.

Our reward system builds to a fabulous display that you will be proud to put on show and there are lots to collect in the series which all contribute to your greatest display of personal endeavour.

Each challenge begins with selecting your virtual destination and the frame it will be stored in throughout your challenge (Month One Package).  In the beginning it may seem strange to be hanging or displaying a photo that is in the most part missing key elements - big holes in the photo!  But this is exactly what is going to keep you motivated through your journey to improve your health and fitness.

Its a great talking point

We are mostly held to account by our friends, family and the people who are closest to us, so the Bigger Picture helps to keep that accountability in place. No one likes to fail and our friends can be really important here!

When you receive your chosen destination - you will also be able to download a Commitment Certificate to print and complete.  This is important.

Next - head over to your social media and post a photo of yourself holding the certificate and announce your commitment to everyone.  Then place this next to your Framed photo display to keep you incentivised as your travel through your fitness journey.

Each month you go on to subscribe to and complete, we send you one piece towards completing your virtual destination photo.  Some challenges are longer (distance) than others to complete. Choose wisely - you are here to achieve.

Isn't it going to look weird having a picture on my wall that has big holes in it?

Yes - but that's the whole point - It's a conversation starter! as your friends ask you what that's all about - gather your tribe to help you succeed - who know's they may even join you.

Bespoke Challenges

As a family run business we wanted to get personal so we aim to offer Personal Bespoke Commemorative Celebration of Life Challenges too.  This is to encourage families or friends to participant together in an activity that honours someone special.  We will design and print placeholders for the group as a keep-sake to cherish.  Help us to make this happen.

Fundraise - but only if you want to

Raising money for charity is a very admorable thing to do - but it is important to ensure your own oxygen mask is on before you help place masks on others (taken from my recent flight) - So whilst you are getting fitter to bigger and better things, we will ensure a donation is made on your behalf for every monthly virtual challenge you take part in.