Our Story

Oh Covid-19!

During the first Lockdown of 2020, I wondered why I wasn't one of the many who took to the pavements for my one opportunity of daily exercise and I realised that I am one of the many who needs to be challenged; to be held accountable and yes even a bit of peer pressure to keep me on track!

I've done lots of real challenges, cycled through Vietnam to Cambodia and walked the Camino Inca Trail, but I'm pretty lazy where daily exercise is concerned.  So I wondered how many folk were 'just like me' and it seems there are lots of us out there.

I looked for inspiration - something that would get ME off my sofa without the undesirable reward of 'a metal medal' and couldn't find it - so I decided to create it.

Along with my son, we asked a thousand questions to 'other me's' and came up with something rather unique in its presentation and as a family business we also hope it finds it's way into your family too.

Design - What was important to us

It needed to look great.  It needed to address a concern - metal medals weren't my thing as they ended up in a drawer somewhere.  It needed to be manufactured in the UK.  And it needed to inspire; to motivate; to embrace everyone and get folk coming together, either in families groups or socials groups.

BUT importantly it needed to be habit forming - as this is the most essential element of all - and from this our design took its own shape.

Our development

We wanted to produce a beautiful visual reminder of the 12 month challenge being taken on and we also ensure that we used local companies to manufacture and produce our item so we can feel proud of keeping our own carbon footprint as low as possible.

We chose not to issue metal medals with flashy ribbons and even explored wooden ones, but they didn't give us the look we were aiming for. Our achievement rewards build to a beautiful black and white image of your challenge destination that you will want to display in your home and these in turn build into a stunning series that will look fabulous together.

They may even inspire you to travel there in the future to do it for real who knows! - and they are a great conversational piece too.